Nelson Martins > Fotografia > FRANKFURT, Alemanha


Heinrich Bossert Immobilien KG, Büro Frankfurt

13‎ de ‎agosto‎ de ‎2022, ‏‎13:37:37 – Family trip through Europe

I really don’t know why I like this photo! What I really like is the building, it reminds me the architect Frank Lloyd Wright or the modernist architecture of the 50s, 60s with a touch of modern times, “the scooters”. 🙂

2 comentários a “FRANKFURT, Alemanha”

  1. Anthony

    Yes, the upper top on the right side is really Frank Lloyd Wright style, and the entrance, this building is really revealing of an era, beautiful photographic, congratulations

  2. Nathan

    Some Sunday tranquility in this picture, beautiful.

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